welcome to this our special space where you can view all of the work we have made together over the past few years.

Monday, 16 July 2012

part one

"she saw a kingfisher darting blue-and then she was very happy.The kingfisher was the key to the magic world-he was witness of the order of enchantment"

oh and this doe was her familiar.It could talk to her,because she was a magician,it would tell her stories as if the sunshine spoke"

"They felt the rush of the sap in spring, they knew the wave which cannot halt, but every year throws forward the seed to begetting, and, falling back, leaves the young-born on the earth. "

all text is from
The Rainbow
D.H Lawrence

The above five drawings were started by Cendrine and taken on further by Jane.

Part two of our new collaboration

 "They felt the rush of the sap in spring, they knew the wave which cannot halt, but every year throws forward the seed to begetting, and, falling back, leaves the young-born on the earth"

"in the utter stillness she heard the tinkle of the fountain,and smelled the roses whose blossoms hung rich and motionless"

 "oh and this doe was her familiar.It could talk to her,because she was a magician,it would tell her stories as if the sunshine spoke"

"she saw a kingfisher darting blue-and then she was very happy.The kingfisher was the key to the magic world-he was witness of the order of enchantment"

"so she drifted,drifted on the wistful feet of beauty,past the water and the swans......"

The Rainbow 
D.H Lawrence

These were the drawings that Jane started and Cendrine finished.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

The secret journey of our images

I received today this package from Ireland with five of our drawings ; Jane sent it exactly one month ago and we were about thinking about loss, even if we couldn't really believe it in reality... And so today, they are home safe and sound, led with heart and hope !

Thursday, 14 June 2012

working on our collaboration

hello everyone , it is indeed very exciting to make this work , I do hope that it will find its way into others hearts too.
This is an image of me in my studio back in april working on one of cendrines drawings ....it was amazing to experience as I was so aware of her marks and responding to them in a way to not intefere with what she had said in her drawing , but to make my own response within the piece,to talk to her I guess.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

About "Drawings from our Hearts"

This weblog is devoted to the collaborative body of artworks between us, Jane O' Sullivan and Cendrine Rovini. It all began during the summer of 2010 when we worked on the first series of drawings and mixed medias together.
Here we will share the results of our common work, our inspirations, words and images...

One of the works in progress